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Потребности, перспективы и вызовы программы Восточного партнерства.

New Report: Building a Stronger Civil Society in Moldova and the South Caucasus

Authors: Tomas Komm, Anna Zamejc, Elena Terzi Contributors: Ala Ionescu, Michal Zelba, Nana Peradze, Tinatin Japaridze, Anahit Yernjakyan Year: 2021 Published by: People in Need

How can institutional and private donors help build a more resilient civil society sector? How can civil society organizations be more effective and connected to the local...

Institutional Gender-Based Violence in Cuba

People in Need, Centre for Human Rights and Democracy

This report was prepared from analysis of the 1,212 cases registered in the EYE on CUBA database that had a woman as the victim and that were documented between the dates of 1/1/2016 and...

Eye on Cuba - Informe anual 2020

People in Need Centro para los Derechos Humanos y la Democracia

2020 ha sido otro año lleno de com plejidades para Cuba. La pandemia de COVID-19, el desabastecimiento, el aumento de la represión y las persistentes sanciones marcaron las vidas de la población...

Eye on Cuba - Annual Report 2020

People in Need, Center for Human Rights and Democracy

The year 2020 has proven to be another year full of complexities for Cuba. The COVID-19 pandemic, shortages, increased repression, and persistent sanctions marked the lives of the Cuban population...

The impact of Covid-19 on Cuba in 2020

Iyanu Osunmo

Despite the Cuban government’s measures to ban tourist arrivals and impose a nationwide quarantine, the country has failed to avert the pandemic and has reported 11,205 coronavirus cases and...

Advocacy in restricted spaces: a toolkit for civil society organizations

Lifeline (Consortium of 7 NGOs: Freedom House, People in Need, CIVICUS, ICNL, Front Line Defenders, Forum-Asia, SILC)

This guide provides inspiring case studies and concrete examples to demonstrate that advocacy is possible, and there are ways to do it without exposing yourself to a high degree of risk.  

Eye on Cuba - Annual Report 2019


The project Eye on Cuba has been designed in order to provide information to the international community with regard to the human rights situation in Cuba and to assist Cubans in exercising and...

Leták - Centrum pro lidská práva a demokracii


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